Barbara Warner

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Barbara is a native of Illinois who moved from Atlanta to Greenwood in 2006. She is a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, energy therapist, and holistic nurse who answered the call to reawaken her artist spirit through pottery in 2003. She spent twelve years studying with a Native American Medicine Woman and Shaman which became the inspiration of her art as it evolved. The form of her clay work continues to evolve with a strong Native American influence. She creates one-of-a kind pieces while allowing the clay to speak through her.

Barbara Warner’s Instagram


Antler Jug

Stoneware, Antler, Three Semi-Precious Stones, Feather
9” x 14.5”

Dogwood platter


Antler Jug

Stoneware, Antler, Semi-Precious Stone
9” x 13”

Large Cheeseboard

9” x 8”

Black and White Cheeseboard

12” x 6”